Salam Jadari


CloudOPS Engineer

2021 - Present

Freespee AB, Uppsala

  • FreeSpee is a cloud communication platform which connects companies with their customers. FreeSpee aims to improve lead management and increase sales for various types of companies through FreeSpee's enterprise-grade platform. FreeSpee converts leads to business outcomes with a powerful predictive routing system and aims to convert the most valuable customers faster.
  • My job in Freespee as a CloudOPS Engineer includes making sure the infrastructure continuously improves and serves FreeSpee Engineering department with a highly available tech stack.

Data Engineer

2019 - 2021

Arbetsförmedlingen (Swedish Public Employment Service), Stockholm

  • Arbetsförmedlingen (Swedish Public Employment Service) is a Swedish public government agency. The mission of Arbetsförmedlingen on behalf of the Swedish government is contribute to a well functioning labor market. Arbetsförmedlingen wants to achieve this partly by building a modern and attractive IT platform.
  • My job included maintaining the Hadoop data lake and establish data pipelines from different sources, both internal as well as external. A big part of my job was to contribute in the migration from HCP to CDP.

Web Developer

2019 - 2020

Webdevon AB, Uppsala

  • Webdevon is a small-sized web development company. Webdevon offers small to medium sized companies websites and applications to serve their customers.
  • My job was to design and develop websites.

Master Thesis Student


Teorem AB, Uppsala

  • Teorem is a company which specializes in applied machine learning. The company is based in Uppsala/ Stockholm and offers a wide variety of services within machine learning, such as image classification.
  • I did my master thesis at Teorem where I applied machine learning on big datasets in order to find wrongly labeled datapoints (Image field).

M.Sc. Engineering

2014 - 2019

Uppsala University

  • IT
  • Energy


2016 - 2019

Qdrop, Sweden

  • Own business which offered consulting services with focus on Easa part-147 consulting (regulates the approval of maintenance training organisations)
  • I worked part time as a consultant with different aircraft maintenance schools as clients. The assignments included providing SMS (Security and safety Management Systems) solution implementation, and consulting examination architecture among other tasks.

Training Manager

2009 - 2014

Aircraft Academy of Sweden, Arlanda

  • Aircraft Academy of Sweden is an approved Part-147 maintenance training organisation.
  • As Training Manager I made sure all training elements were compliant with both European and Swedish legislation (EASA part-147). I was also leading the team through yearly audits performed by the Swedish national EASA representative agency Transportstyrelsen. One of the assignments was to develop a digital training and examination platform, which was innovative in terms of EASA approved examination practices.